Tag: brain tumors
The pituitary gland is a half-breed in many ways. It is not really a part of the brain, but rather hangs beneath it. Half of the gland, the posterior …
The pineal gland hangs on the brain behind its very center. French 18th-century scientist Rene Descartes thought that the pineal gland was the core of the soul, noting that …
A tumor is formed when a group of cells in the brain show unusual growth patterns and develop into an abnormal mass of cells. There are two kinds of …
When diagnosing and classifying a brain tumor, the physician assesses many factors, including the location, size, and aggressiveness of the tumor. These factors help the physician decide if the …
Genetic susceptibility to brain tumors is a difficult issue to sort out. About 5% of brain tumors may be linked to genetic factors, including the following conditions: Li-Fraumeni syndrome …
From Their Biology to Their Treatments Brain tumor — the very words strike fear in the heart of anyone threatened by one. It once was considered one of the …